Schizophrenia omega 3 fatty acid: NICE medicine-related evidence summary

NICE has published the following medicine related – ‘Evidence summary’
–  Unlicensed/off-label medicines – Schizophrenia: omega-3 fatty acid medicines  (ESUOM19)
Summary:  The randomised controlled trial (RCT) evidence for using omega-3 fatty acid medicines in people with schizophrenia is limited and the results are not consistent.


Recent JAMA article on Omega-3 Augmentation of Sertraline in Treatment of Depression

Omega-3 Augmentation of Sertraline in Treatment of Depression in Patients With Coronary Heart Disease.  This study investigates if omega-3 improves the response to sertraline in patients with major depression and coronary heart disease (CHD). 

Download the article here: